More Cameo Photos
Added 3 more photos to Cronenberg Cameos:
1 photo from Jason X (2001)
2 photos from Last Night (1998)
New Fly Photos
Added 6 new photos of The Fly, all are deleted or alternate scenes, not shown in
the movie. They are taken from the trailer.
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) - German DVD
Remember DK's Recommendation (July 9th) for Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)?
It had a link to a bad VHS rip and as far as I knew, there was no DVD release for this move (only Laserdisc).
Well, I was very surprised to find out that there is actually a DVD release and even a rip on the net. The bad news is
that the rip has only one audio track, which is German dubbing. It's highly probable that the DVD itself contains the
original English track too (the DVD seems nowhere to be found).
Quality is really good, OGG format at 544x336. During the entire movie there is a watermark on the top-right corner, with
a logo of Studio Universal.
Personally, I can't stand movie dubbing (and for this movie it's twice as horrible), not to mention that I don't speak
German. Still, since this DVD rip was so "rare", I thought some of you German speakers would find it a must-have.
The movie is called Neunzehnhundertvierundachtzig in German and the availability of this rip got surprisingly
high during the last day (over 100 sources). Let's hope an English version will pop up sometime soon.
Nineteen Eighty-Four (DVD rip, German audio, 544x336, OGG)
Spider Premiere in Finland
Antti Näyhä reports that Spider will premiere in Finland on January 3rd, 2003. The
Distributers are Finnkino/Scanbox.
See the FAQ for a complete list of known release dates.
New Thumbnails
Redone all the site's thumbnails (over 400). They are now smaller but more colorful. Since they occupy less space on the
page, the photos archive is easier on the eyes.
File size is significantly smaller too, so download is faster (try the packed
Spider or Cameos pages) and it helps
a little to save space, which is running very low on this webhost.
Please report bad links or missing images/thumbnails.
New Photo Section
Added a new section to the photos: Cronenberg Cameos. It opens with no less than
59 photos, of which 52 (!) are new.
2 photos from To Die for (1995)
50 photos from Nightbreed (1990) (some spoilers)
4 photos from The Fly (1986)
3 photos from Shivers (1975)
Spider Posters for Sale
If you have some extra money, MovieGoods
sells 1 English and 2 French posters of Spider, for the outrageous prices of $20, $25 and $40.
Terminator 3 Trailer
Apple and the official site of Terminator 3: Rise of
the Machines have put up the first trailer of the movie (this is not the teaser that was released a while ago).
Yes, it does look like a Terminator 2 rip-off. With Norwegian model Kristanna Loken as the evil T-X.
The movie premieres on July 2, 2003.
IMDB details
| |
More Samples from Spider Soundtrack
sells Howard Shore's soundtrack to Spider for 21.2 Euro. It also has 30-second samples (different
from the ones on Amazon France) for all the
tracks. Here are the direct links:
DK's Recommendation: Irreversible (2002)
I wasn't sure what to think of Irreversible
(2002), but a movie that makes me think about it so long after seeing it, usually holds something special.
This French movie, which was written, directed, edited and co-photographed by Gaspar Noe, obviously tries to be
shocking, daring and provoking. Reports claim that in its screening, people walked out of the theatre in disgust or got
physically ill.
At the top stand 2 scenes that you're not going to forget easily (minor spoilers next): The first one, which involves a man
getting beaten to death, is probably the most shocking, violent and disgusting scene I've seen (and believe me, I'm not
getting shocked easily) and could easily be described as "snuff". The second scene, although not nearly as shocking as the
first one, involves a painfully-long brutal rape.
The style of the movie is mesmerizing: It's built almost entirely of extremely long (up to 14 minute) and continuous shots
and the scenes are partially improvised. For instance, one scene begins in an elevator, continues in a subway station and
then in the moving subway itself, while people are coming in and out. This style gives a great deal of realism to the film
and also contributes to the shock effect described above.
In addition to being long and continuous, the photography itself tries to be unique. During the first third of the movie the
camera continuously moves, jiggles and flips up to the point that you may get a headache.
(Minor spoilers next) The plot itself is told backwards. The movie starts at the end credits, which go backwards, and ends
at the beginning (if you've seen Memento (2000) or Following (1998) by Christopher
Nolan, you won't find this to be very original). The purpose of it is two-fold: To give suspense to the plot, and to
serve the main theme of the movie: Time destroys everything. You get the full impact of this pessimistic (and very
simple) theme by the end of the movie, when you run the scenes in your head in chronological order.
(Minor spoilers next) The movie starts as hell-on-earth, both in terms of plot and technically (photography, music,
lighting) and it ends very delicately, in a beautifully long love scene (between Vincent Cassel and Monica
Bellucci, a couple in real life) and an innocent, almost surreal, scene of children playing and an obvious reference
to Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), all to the sounds of Beethoven's 7th
A Kubrick-Beethoven connection intuitively connects to A Clockwork Orange (1971), another movie that
definitely had a great affect on the maker of this film, mainly in terms of ultra-violence in-your-face. I also felt an
influence by Darrn Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream (2000), a fantastic movie that itself was
obviously influenced by Kubrick's Clockwork Orange.
Whether this movie is special or just non-original, pretentious and meant to be shocking, provoking and controversial -
you'll have to see to judge by yourself. The pessimistic theme/moral of the movie, Time destroys everything (and
future events are already set), although extremely simple in concept and plot, turns out to be quite effective and
horrifying by the end of this movie. Great directors learn, in time, that hardcore sex and violence are sometimes more
effective if left for the viewer's imagination, out of the camera. This movie takes the "in-your-face" method and doesn't
hide anything from the viewer.
Hate it or like it, from a "technical" point of view, Gaspar Noe seems to be a promising movie-maker. I'm certain
it won't be long before we'll see him follow Luc Besson's footsteps, making films in Hollywood. It will be interesting.
Cronenberg in NY
David Cronenberg will attend the upcoming
Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors, which
takes place on 11-12 January 2003 in Brooklyn, New York, at the Brooklyn Marriott Hotel (333 Adams Street).
Cronenberg will preview Spider and receive a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Go to Creation Entertainment to order tickets and
get more info.
(Thanks to Rachel)
Spider Trailers
There are now at least 3 different trailers for Spider on the net:
Trailer 1 (1:43)
The official site has removed the medium-quality
(8MB) and high-quality (34MB) versions of the trailer and now has only the following format:
Trailer 1 - QuickTime, 240x180, 5.36MB
Trailer 2 (1:43)
Metropolitan Filmexport features
a second trailer, which is almost identical to the first one, but has a different narrator. The French subtitles suggest
that this might actually be the original trailer from the official site (that was mentioned above), in different
Trailer 2 - Media Player, 320x240, 3.01MB
Trailer 2 - Media Player, 192x144, 0.5MB
Trailer 2 - RealPlayer, 250kbps
Trailer 2 - RealPlayer, 40Kbps
Trailer 3 (2:09)
A week ago, Apple added a new and exclusive trailer:
Trailer 3 - QuickTime, 480x260, 18.9MB
Cronenberg Interview at Cannes
Metropolitan Filmexport, mentioned
above, also features 2 interviews with Cronenberg, made on May 22, in Cannes. The first clip was mentioned here before; The
second one seems to have been added recently. Both clips are dubbed into French.
On the bottom of that page, you'll also find 8 (!) different radio spots for the movie, in French, each of them is 30
seconds long.
Spider Released in Canada
Spider is released this Friday (the 13th...) in Canada.
See the FAQ for full list of known release dates.
The Fly Cameo
Added 4 photos of David Cronenberg's cameo in The Fly, as the
gynecologist who delivers the maggot in Veronica's nightmare.
Regular Section Updated
Updated Howard Shore and added 18 new crew members to the Regular section.
New Interview Snapshots
Added 9 new snapshots from Ashbrg's clip of David Cronenberg in
the Sitges Film Festival.
DK's Recommendation
Irreversible (2002)

More details on December 14.
DK's rating: 8/10
DK's Recommendation
Midnight Express (1978)

DK's rating: 8/10
DK's Recommendation
Hugo Pool (1997)

DK's rating: 7/10
DK's Recommendation
Shadow of the Vampire (2000)

DK's rating: 7/10
DK's Recommendation
Labyrinth (1986)

DK's rating: 9/10