Cronenberg and Fiennes discuss Spider on Charlie Rose
There is an interesting 20-minutes interview on Google Video, of Charlie Rose talking to David
Cronenberg and Ralph Fiennes about the movie Spider. The interview was broadcasted on 17 February 2003.
In this program Rose first interviews Alan Parker, Kevin Spacey, Kate Winslet and Laura Linney about The Life of David Gale, so if you want to
skip to the Spider interview, it's found between the 31:45 and the 52:22 marks.
Charlie Rose (17/2/03)
The Fountain Review
The Fountain will premiere in October in the US, but
has already written a review about it and they confirm that the waiting was
worth it. They give a very positive review and describe the movie as brilliant, wonderful, moving and stunning.
Just Friends (2005)

DK's rating: 6/10
Winter Passing (2005)

DK's rating: 6/10