New Videos Section and the YouTube Craze
As you may have noticed, I added a new link on the menu, called Videos. This leads to my YouTube account, where I put quite a few
Cronenberg-related videos (trailers, interviews, clips).
I will probably put more videos in the future. Cronenberg is currently the majority of the videos, but it's not intended as a Cronenberg-exclusive. As an
example, you can find there a clip from the upcoming movie Goya's Ghosts by Milos Forman.
"Why YouTube?"
Well, it wasn't really planned. I just thought of putting a few Cronenberg videos there in order to share them with other fans on YouTube and have
them more accessible. It turned out that there is more material than I expected.
"Are you going to post alerts on new video?"
No, in general I don't plan to write a new topic on The Plasma Pool every time a video is added. If you want to know when a new video is added, I
suggest that you register at YouTube and simply subscribe to my
channel there. Once you are subscribed (to any channel there) the main page of YouTube will show you the latest videos (under "My Video Subscriptions"),
thus you can keep updated with the new videos.
"Seems to me like you just want more subscribers to your channel"
I don't really care about that. I put the videos there to share them with others and for everyone's enjoyment. This is all about fun. Like The Plasma
Pool itself, it's all done as a hobby and, needless to say, I don't make a dime from either of them. You might think of the video section as a sort of an addition or
extension of this site, which allows video-article and better accessibility.
Concerning YouTube itself
I have to admit that YouTube can be quite addictive, especially if you can shift your brains into neutral and just try to enjoy silly stuff when taking a break
once in a while. YouTube is getting extremely popular and as one can expect from such a huge site, there are endless weirdos there; But here and there you can
find some nice channels and even great talents. Here are my own favorites, which I recommend you to check:
A very talented guy by the name of Brandon Hardesty, who has excellent acting skills. He makes amazing impersonations and recreations of scenes from famous
movies. He can play any part and any character, regardless of age and gender.
For example: The Big Lebowski, The Shining, The Silence of the Lambs, Home Alone, The Breakfast Club, Willy Wonka, 12 Impressions (Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, Jon Lovitz, and more).
littleloca -
Little Loca is actually a character (like Ali G or Borat) played by an actress named Stevie
Ryan. She has 3 more accounts there: TheRealParis (my favorite together with
littleloca), stevieryan and
Blogger Q&A with David Cronenberg at the Andy Warhol Exhibition
For the opening of the Andy Warhol/Supernova: Stars, Deaths and Disasters, 1962-1964
exhibition (see article on July 11th for more details), a Blogger Q&A with David Cronenberg
took place at the Art Gallery of Ontario on July 19th. Below you can find two different
videos of the same interview. The first one is much longer, but has a lower quality of video and sound.
The exhibit will be showing at the AGO until October 22nd.
Video 1
Provided by SlapDash.
Quicktime, 320x240, 14:49, 35.3MB
Video 2
Provided by RocketBoom and MTAA-RR.
Quicktime, 480x270, 4:17, 26.3MB
Cassel Joins Cronenberg
According to the Hollywood Reporter, French actor Vincent Cassel (Ocean's Twelve, Irreversible)
has signed on for David Cronenberg's latest, Eastern Promises for Focus and BBC. Cassel will play a character named Petrid, whose family runs a Russian brothel.
Eastern Promises is currently scheduled to premiere on 14 September 2007.
Crank (2006)

DK's rating: 7/10
Thank you for Smoking (2005)

DK's rating: 7.5/10
Pretty Persuasion (2005)

DK's rating: 6.5/10
The United States of Leland (2003)

DK's rating: 6.5/10