Cronenberg's Crash - Fan Site
Vaughan, a fan of the movie Crash has asked me to inform you of a new fan site he just put up. Check it out:
Cronenberg's Crash
Watch Cronenberg's Segment Online!
You can now watch David Cronenberg's segment online on YouTube:
At the Suicide of the Last Jew in the World in the Last Cinema in the World.
Again, a huge "thank you" goes to Simon Saucisse for providing this capture from French TV.
Cronenberg said he was inspired to make the film by such as YouTube-style "snuff films", including beheadings like that of Daniel Pearl, and the call by
Hezbollah leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasralla, to kill all Jews worldwide.
Snapshots from Cronenberg's Segment
Added 14 snapshots from David Cronenberg's segment, At the Suicide of the Last Jew in the World in the Last Cinema in the World, from
To Each His Own Cinema.
A huge "thank you" goes to Simon Saucisse for providing the source.
To Each His Own Cinema
Variety reports about To Each His Own Cinema presenting in Cannes (see news from 4 March).
David Cronenberg's segment is called: At the Suicide of the Last Jew in the World in the Last Cinema in the World. In this intense piece,
the director himself appears as "the last Jew in the world in the last cinema in the world" preparing to commit suicide on television while commentators
blather on dispassionately about Jews and cinema.
I believe this is the first time I see Cronenberg making any comment about Judaism.
Read more about this movie on the Official Cannes Festival Site.
Frankenstein (1994)

DK's rating: 6/10