Juliette Lewis in Israel - Part 2
Juliette Lewis and her band, Juliette and the Licks, left Israel yesterday. On Monday they visited Jerusalem (see photo on the right) and on Tuesday they performed in Tel-Aviv.
Here are some video clips from their performance (thanks to yaniv666 and jewliciousness):
Sticky Honey: Camera 1 / Camera 2
Hot Stuff (Donna Summer Cover) and the beginning of Hot Kiss
Cronenberg Talks about Eastern Promises
Cronendrome spotted an interesting 9-minutes interview on eTalk with David Cronenberg
about his new movie, Eastern Promises.
The last question asked by the interviewer is about the next movie planned. The interesting thing is that Cronenberg denies Maps to the Stars as his next movie. He claims
he doesn't even know what his next movie will be and that the info on IMDB is wrong.
Direct link to the interview (416x312, WMV format, 45.4 MB)
Juliette Lewis in Israel
Juliette Lewis landed in Israel yesterday with her band, Juliette & The Licks. They will have a single performance tomorrow and will leave on Thursday.
Watch a video clip.
Eastern Promises Soundtrack - First Listen!
soundtrack.net offers a first listen to Howard Shore's score of Eastern Promises.
The score contains 14 tracks and the running time is almost 37 minutes. It will be released on September 11, but you can listen to it right now.
You will need a QuickTime Player installed.
If you have a problem playing the tracks (I did), try these direct links:
Eastern Promises Official Site is up
Official Site for Eastern Promises is up. Check it out.
(Thanks to Steve)
The Way Home (2002)

DK's rating: 6/10
Surf's up (2007)

DK's rating: 6/10
The Lookout (2007)

DK's rating: 6/10
Sad Movie (2005)

DK's rating: 6/10