David Lynch in Israel - Part 2
In a press conference today in Jerusalem, David Lynch mainly managed to confuse the reporters. His focus was on
Transcendental Meditation as a means of brining peace to the middle east and solving violence in schools.
According to him, a group of 250 people practicing this on a daily basis is enough to bring peace.
Lynch repeatedly tried to avoid answering questions about cinema. He also said that between meditation and cinema he would prefer the former. He claims that he is not a big fan of cinema
and that he hardly watches TV. He also thinks that the Internet is the "new TV".
You can watch a clip of the conference here.
David Lynch in Israel
Director David Lynch landed in Israel earlier today, as part of a world tour he's making in order
to promote peace and a new method of preventing school violence.
In addition to meeting with politicians, Lynch will participate in classes with cinema students in
Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa and will receive a friendship award from one of the film schools.
The Brood Remake
According to Variety, Spyglass Entertainment has acquired the rights to remake
David Cronenberg's horror classic The Brood.
Cory Goodman has been tapped to pen the screenplay.
Nightwish Open their World Tour in Israel
After releasing their new album, Dark Passion Play, Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish will open their world tour tomorrow, in Israel.
This will be the first show to feature vocalist Anette Olzon, who took Tarja Turunen's position after she was fired.
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)

DK's rating: 6/10
Then She Found me (2007)

DK's rating: 6.5/10
The King of Kong (2007)

DK's rating: 6/10
Whose Life is it anyway? (1981)

DK's rating: 7/10