Chromosomes Exhibition
Valentina Pozzi has asked me to spread the message about their Chromosomes Exhibition:
"Hi, I am Valentina and I represent a no profit organization called Volumina. We are going to organize an exhibition of
images picked and processed by David Cronenberg. These images are drawn from original film frames from his most famous movies (The Fly, Videodrome, The Dead Zone, Dead
Ringers, The Naked Lunch, Spider, and the recent A History of Violence). The images have been acquired by the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Cineteca Nazionale in
Rome through innovative digital techniques and then processed following the precise indications of the author. We are working on the clean up, the interpolation and the processing of
the 48 frames. By December. The exhibition curated by Luca Massimo Barbero and Sergio Toffetti will be held in October the 21th in collaboration with the Rome Film Festival."
More info on
Paul Newman Dead at 83
Legendary actor Paul Newman died of cancer at age 83.
Newman was nominated for Academy Awards 10 times (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958), The Hustler (1961), Hud (1963), Cool Hand Luke (1967), Rachel, Rachel (1968), Absence of Malice (1981),
The Verdict (1982), Nobody's Fool (1994), Road to Perdition (2002)), winning a regular Oscar in 1987 for The Color of Money and two honorary ones.
The Wrestler Wins Venice Film Festival Top Award
Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler has won the top award at the Venice Film Festival.
Cronenberg and Shore in Q&A
| posted a photo gallery of David Cronenberg and Howard Shore in a Q&A
for The Fly opera.
The Dark Knight (2008)

DK's rating: 6/10